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#WaddleOn Episode 27: Biker Bunnies & Motor Bugs
Genre Comedy, Sketch
Length 2:16
Season 2
Characters See Characters
Series #WaddleOn
Release Date March 5, 2014

#WaddleOn Episode 27: Biker Bunnies and Motor Bugs is the fifteenth episode of the 2nd season of #WaddleOn, released on March 5, 2014.


The Biker Bunnies and the Motor Bugs frequently invade rooms on their motorcycles on multiple coincidences. Then at the Stadium, the Biker Bunnies and the Motor Bugs compete. Until an Old Penguin Monument wearing The Rocker and Blue Starglasses descends from the sky with a yellow glow around it. It declares that the winner of the competition is in fact, the Snails. Finally, a penguin isolated in the Town wishes for a bunch of motorcycles to appear - however they don't arrive.



WaddleOn: The Phantom of Amazement Park Part 1 WaddleOn Episode 27: Biker Bunnies & Motor Bugs WaddleOn with The Muppets