Club Penguin Wiki
The Official Stage Playbook
The Official stage playbook
Date released October 15, 2009
Unlocks items? Yes

What it Contains

  • This book contains scripts of some of the previous Club Penguin plays (listed below), a book code to unlock 2000 coins, a Blue Book (if not unlocked already), and some information on how to re-enact these plays.

Plays in The Official Stage Playbook

The Official Stage Playbook is an official guide to the Stage. It tells you the scripts off the following plays:


  • Author: Tracey West
  • Publisher: Snowball Press (Grosset & Dunlap)


The Official Stage Playbook also tells you how to: Make your own play, get a cast, act each play in real life and make the costumes for each play and lots of play secrets.

